Holly Drummond – “Cloud Nine”

You know it’s not often the singer / songwriter genre catches my attention. But there’s something special about Holly Drummond that made me take notice. I’m not sure if it’s her song writing, (that’s developed far beyond her years), whether it’s her sweet, soothing voice or the fact that she’s just got that “it” factor that so many people lack.

After stumbling across a Facebook post promoting the release of the brand new EP Cloud Nine, I decided for some unknown reason to click the link. I’m glad I did, because I love every second Cloud Nine has to offer.

If you haven’t heard of Holly Drummond before, you have now. She’s had an EP in the Top 10 of the singer / songwriter charts on iTunes, her EP, Cloud Nine, trended on Twitter on the day of release and she has a strong following on everyone’s favourite video site, YouTube.

The opening track, Girl That You Don’t Know , is a great little song. It’s simple, effective and most importantly it’s damned catchy! It’s the kind of song I can envision having a spot on any number of popular radio stations. The softer side comes out with the second track, Out Of My Mind, and then goes into a happier tune by the name of Royalty.

As much as I love the entire EP, the stand out track for me however is The Hands Of Change. It’s a fantastic song featuring Lewis Mokler. Lewis’ voice plays off Holly’s in perfect fashion, accompanied by a string arrangement it really is something special. It’s got a Damien Rice sort of feel to it I think, and it’s awesome.

One thing I can’t not comment on is how well produced the EP is. It’s exceptionally well done, it’s up to the standard of big budget releases my major labels. It just goes to show, you don’t need to spend ten’s of thousands on recordings if you have the right people and the right talent to bring out the best in each other.

All in all, Cloud Nine is the kind of thing I can imagine everyone liking, there isn’t really a negative thing I could say about the EP. Anyone from my niece to my mum and everyone in between would enjoy this. I’d like to see what Holly produces in the future, so far she’s done no wrong, and it’s hard to imagine she will.

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